A downloadable project

My entry for Blitzbasic Game Jam 2022.
A top down racer, with only 4 tracks.
Practice is advised before entering the race.
Avoid collision with the background and other cars
You can disable collisions with cpu cars,  it will be easier.
The game will be slow on real Amiga.
At least on UAE (A1200 config and "don't wait for Blitter" option), it will run.
On error message Click Cancel.
The game is playable with keyboard or joystick.
Alt+left or fire to accelerate.
Left and right to turn.
If the menu is not responsive, hold the key or button longer.
Be carefull Escape key will exit the game. 
The game was coded in Blitz Basic 2 on UAE.
I used Blender for modelling the car, and Personal Paint for the background.
I'll made an html port with microStudio too.
Thanks for organizing this amiga game jam.


Zebra3adf.zip 366 kB
Zebra3_20221116.adf post jam update 1 880 kB

Install instructions

Unzip the zebra3.ADF File.
The game has not been tested on real amiga .
Minimum Kickstart 2.04 
The disk is bootable, on  you can also start the program from workbench.